• Abuja Park, Uniport, Choba
  • agriculture@uniport.edu.ng



The degree of Bachelor of Science in Food Science and Nutrition is designed to provide a practical and theoretical training on:

  1. Conversion of raw agricultural produce into processed, packaged shelf stable food products and intermediate industrial raw materials.
  2. Understanding the chemical complexities of foods and their vulnerability to spoilage so as to ensure the effective preservation of their nutritive qualities during and after processing.
  3. Establishment, maintenance and assurance of food quality in raw and processed forms.
  4. Integrated rural development designed to extend the benefits of improved nutritional practices to rural communities.
  5. High level technical man-power in food industries, food research laboratories and government agencies responsible for the formulation and enforcement of food laws.

The Bachelor of Science Degree in Home Science is designed to provide theoretical and practical training to the students. The objectives of the programme are as follows:

  1. Train students in the development, use and management of material resources required to foster various aspects of individual, family and national development.
  2. Develop the latent potentials of students and enable them to take up leadership positions and become professionals in public and private establishments related to their chosen area of study.
  3. Equip students with entrepreneurial skills needed to create small and medium scale businesses in the major areas of the curriculum.
  4. Understand the interrelationship among agriculture and food security as well as how they relate to health.
  5.  Plan, implement, monitor and evaluate family, community, home management, etc. programmes.

The objectives of the Home Science and Nutrition programme are as follows:

  1. Train students in the development, use and management of material resources required to foster various aspects of individual, family and national development.
  2. Teach the interrelationship among agriculture, food and nutrition as well as how they relate to health.
  3. Educate students on the effect of handling methods on the nutritive value of foods and apply techniques appropriately to improve the quality of local food resources in order to meet the nutritional needs of individual, community and population groups.
  4. Equip students with entrepreneurial skills needed to create small and medium scale businesses in the major areas of the curriculum.


Students of Food Science and Nutrition, and Home Science will have common courses in the 1st and 2nd Year.


CHM 130.1General Chemistry 13AGR 101.2Introductory Statistics for Agriculture2
FSB 101.1General Biology 13CHM 131.2     General Chemistry II3
GES 100.1Communication Skills in English3CHM 132.2Introduction to Principles of Organic Chemistry3
GES 102.1Introduction to Logic and Philosophy2FSB 102.2General Biology II3
MTH 110.1Elementary Algebra and Sets2GES 101.2Computer Appreciation and Application2
MTH 120.1Calculus3GES 103.2Nigerian People and Culture2
PHY 101.1Mechanics and Properties of Matter3PHY 115.2Heat, Light and Sound2
PHY 102.1Physics Practical1ENG 104.2Workshop Practice                                            2
ENG 101.1Engineering Drawing2   
TOTAL 22  19

Total units = 41


AGE 201.1Principles of Agricultural Economics2AGR 206.2Principles of Food Science and Technology2
AGR 2C1.1Community Service1FSH 201.2Introduction to Fisheries2
AGR 204.1Computer Application to Agriculture2ANS    202.2Principles of Animal Production2
FSN 201.1Agricultural Food Products2CPS     202.2Principles of Crop Production2
AGR 203.1Introduction to Agricultural Microbiology2AGR 207.2Introduction to Home Economics2
FSN 202.1Food and Nutrition2FSN 203.2Principles of Nutrition2
AGR  201.1General Agriculture2AGF 201.2Farm Practice1
FWL  201.1Introduction to Forestry & Wildlife Mgt2FSN    204.2Basic Human Anatomy and Physiology2
AGR  202.1Introduction to Farm Power and Machinery2HEM 201.2Family Life Education and Planning2
Total 17  17

Total units = 34




AGR 302.1Agricultural Research and Report Writing2AGR 303.2Agricultural Biochemistry2
FSN 301.1Food Chemistry2FSN 309.2Food Product Development2
FSN 302.1Food Product Development and Marketing2FSN 310.2Sensory Evaluation2
FSN 303.1Fundamental of Food Processing2FSN 311.2Postharvest Physiology and Storage technology2
FSN 304.1Basic Food and Diet2FSN 312.2Principles of Food Preservation2
FSN 305.1Community Nutrition2FSN 313.2Food Plant Management/ Process design2
FSN 306.1Food Microbiology I2FSN 314.2Food Microbiology 22
FSN 307.1Food Analysis I2GES 300.2Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship2
FSN 308.1Public Health Nutrition2FSN 315.2Clinical Nutrition2
   AGF    301.2Field Course1
Total 18  19

Total units =   37


GES 400Entrepreneurship Project2
TOTAL 32 Units


FSN 501.1Research Techniques in Food and Nutrition Science2FSN 500.2Seminar2
FSN 502.1Food Chemistry2FSN 510.2Cereal Technology2
FSN 503.1Fermentation and Brewing Technology2FSN 511.2Meat/Fish Processing Technology2
FSN 504.1Fruit and Vegetable Processing2FSN 512.2Processing of Miscellaneous Foods2
FSN 505.1Milk and Dairy Processing Technology2FSN 513.2Poultry and Egg Processing Technology2
FSN 506.1Food Packaging2FSN 514.2Human Nutrition and Toxicology2
FSN 507.1Food Standards and Quality Control3FSN 599.2Research Project6
FSN 508.1Food Analysis  II2   
FSN 509.1Food Preparation2   
Total 19  18

Total units =   37



FSN  515.1Consumer Education2
FSN 516.1Nutrition Education2
FSN 517.2Diet Therapy and Hospital Practice2
AGE 508.2Agri-Business Mgt and Finance2



CHM 130.1 General Chemistry I (3 Units)

Introduction to chemistry; matter, energy, measurement, significant figures; dimensional analysis. State and classification of matter, mixtures, compounds, elements. Atomic theory and molecular structure. Atoms, molecules, ions, periodic table, inorganic nomenclature. Equations, types of reactions, atomic and molecular weights, the mole. Empirical formulae, stoichiometry limiting reagent, molarity, titration, Energy, Enthalpy, Hess law, standard heat of formation, calorimetry. Size of atoms, patterns on periodic table. Chemical bonding, valence, electrons, ionic bonding and size of ions, covalent bonding and Lewis structures, resonances forms, bond energies, polarities, Hydrogen bonding in solids, Types of solution, concentrations, solution process, T and P effects, reaction in aqueous solutions, colligative properties.

FSB 101.1 General Biology I (3 Units

Characteristics of life. Investigation in biology. The specific substance of life; the unit of life (including method of study); activities of cells; the control of metabolic activities; cell division. Basic principles of inheritance.

GES 100.1 Communication Skills in English (3 Units)

Study/library skills and method: methods for taking and making notes; techniques for organizing study time; study methods and coping with examinations; library skills and location of library materials. Listening skills: skills for effective listening comprehension. Basic skills in understanding lectures, dialogue or conversation. Identifying/understanding relevant language points in the discourse. Making notes/summaries of lectures. Decoding texts/information, vocabulary, inference and meaning, understanding grammar, usage and style. Reading skills: Importance of reading; reading as study technique. Kinds of reading: speed reading, skimming, scanning, intensive, extensive, reading for evaluation. Understanding text organization. Reading comprehension: SQ3R method. Reading and developing vocabulary. Using grammar in reading and writing. The Hierarchy: Words and their classes, phrases/clauses. Level of sentence: English as a SVOCA language. Vocabulary, using dictionary and word relationships: polysemy, antonym, synonyms, homonyms, homophones, denotation/connotation, collocational patterns: affixation, suffixation, etc. Writing and speaking skills.

GES 102.1 Introduction to Logic and Philosophy (2 Units)

Symbolic logic, Special symbols in symbolic logic; conjunction negation, affirmation, disjunction, equivalence and conditional statements; the laws of thought; the method of deduction using rules of inference and bi-conditions and quantification theory.

MTH 110.1 Elementary Algebra and Sets (2 Units)

Algebra and Trigonometry; Real number system, Real sequences and series: sets and sub sets: unit intersection, complements, empty, and universal sets, Venn diagram; one way correspondence between sets; quadratic functions and equations, solution of linear equation, simple properties of determinants, indices and binomial theorem; transformations e.g. Log transformation of the equation of the straight line and application to simple regression equation; permutation and combinations; circular measure, trigonometric functions of angles, addition and factor formulae; complex numbers, moments and couples; relative velocity; calculus; elementary function of simple real variable; graphs of simple functions; differentiation of simple algebra; exponential and log functions, differentiation of a sum; product; quotient; function of function rules; implicit differentiation; definite and indefinite integration of functions; application of definite and indefinite integrals to areas and volumes.

MTH 120.1 Calculus  (3 Units)

Function of a real variable, graphs, limit and idea of continuity. The derivative as limit of rate of change. Techniques of differentiation. Extreme curve sketching, integration as an inverse of differentiation, methods of integration. Definite integrals. Application to areas and volumes.

PHY 101.1 Mechanics and Properties of Matter (3 Units)

Topics covered in course will include the following: motion in one dimension in a plane, work and energy, conservation laws, oscillation, solid friction, rotational kinematics and rotational dynamics, equilibrium of rigid bodies, gravitation, Galilean invariance, surface tension, elasticity and viscosity

PHY 102.1 Physics Practical (1 Unit)

Motion in one dimensional plane; work and energy; conservation laws; oscillation; solid friction, rotational kinematics and rotational dynamics; equilibrium of rigid bodies; gravitation, Galilean invariance, surface tension, elasticity and viscosity. Emphasis on experimental verifications and quantitative measures of physical laws, treatment of measurement errors and graphical analysis. The experiments include studies of mechanical systems; static and rotational dynamics of rigid bodies, viscosity, elasticity, surface tension and hydrostatics.

ENG 101.1      Engineering Drawing (2 Units)

Introduction to drawing instruments, scale, draughting aids and their proper use. Size of paper and drawing layout. Dimensioning, line work and letting. Geometrical constructions and Engineering graphics.  Development of geometrical figures and intersection of solids and curves. Introduction to projections.


AGR 101.2 Introductory Statistics for Agriculture (2 Units)

Idea of statistics. Sequence of statistical investigation; Data collection methods; sampling; Basic statistical notations; methods of collation and presentation of data; measures of location (mean, mode, median); quantities; Measures of dispersion (variance, standard deviation, standard error, coefficient of variation); skewness and kurtosis.

CHM 131.2 General Chemistry II (3 Units)

Application of the principles of chemical and physical change to the study of the behaviour of matter and interaction between matters. Course content includes, the chemistry of representative elements and their common compounds with emphasis on graduation of their properties. Brief chemistry of the first series of transition elements, general principles of extraction of metals; introductory nuclear chemistry.

CHM 132.2 Introduction to Principles of Organic Chemistry         (3 Units)

A Survey of carbon compounds including an overview of the common functional groups in aliphatic and benzenoid compounds. Introduction to reactants and reactions in organic chemistry.

FSB 102.2 General Biology II            (3 units)

Varieties of organisms. Principles of classification of organisms, systematic. A study of selected animals and plant groups.  Analysis of flora and fauna of assigned habitats.

GES 101.2 Computer Appreciation and Application            (2 Units)

Introduction to basic computer concepts. Historical development and classification of computers. Hardware, software and firm ware components of a computer. Computer programming languages, introduction to data bases, data capture techniques. Introduction to computer networks, computer operation. Introduction to disk operating system (DOS), Microsoft windows and windows applications. Introduction to data processing. An Introduction to internet.

GES 103.2     Nigerian People and Culture (2 Units

Concepts of culture; The study of Nigerian history and culture in the pre-colonial, colonial and contemporary times, the Nigerian’s perception of his world; cultural areas of Nigeria and their characteristics; cultural contact and social change; ethnicity and integration; evolution of Nigeria as a political unit. Norms, values, moral obligations of citizens, – environmental sanitation.

PHY 115.2 Heat, Light and Sound (2 Units)

Thermodynamics, colorimetry and heat transfer. Geometrical optics will include reflection of light at the plane and curved surfaces and optical instruments. Properties and regression of sound waves. Sound waves propagating in air columns. Doppler effect.


AGE 201.1 Principles of Agricultural Economics (2 Units)

Economics of agriculture, efficiency of resource allocation, agricultural resources; production, processing, marketing/ distribution and utilization of farm produce; cost price analysis, demand, supply.

AGR 2CS.1 Community Service        (1 Unit)

The course is designed to make the students appreciate the dignity of labour and acquire a sense of service to the community. Students are to execute various projects modelled in line with their field of study.

AGR 204.1 Computer Applications to Agriculture (2 Units)

Importance of computers to Agriculture; ICT applications in agriculture; Use of spreadsheets; use of graphics for agricultural communication; use of PowerPoint for presentations. Data management; use of statistical packages.

FSN 201.1 Agricultural Food Products (3 Units)

Different types of foods and agricultural products, their structures and composition. Vegetables, fruits, cereal, palm wine, roots and tubers, sugar, cane oil, palm, meat, milk, cheese, butter, sausage ham, fish, mango and other juices. The processing and storage of these food products, techniques and problems of developing, fabricating and merchandising ingredient regulation, taste panels, market research etc.

AGR 203.1 Introduction to Agricultural Microbiology (2 Units)

Importance of microbiology in agriculture; Introduction to microbial world; Broad groups of microflora and microfauna; Classification of microorganisms and other soil organisms (bacteria, fungi, viruses, nematodes, protozoans, earthworms, and other annelids) Morphology, growth and reproduction of bacteria, yeast, moulds, viruses; Importance of soil microbiology in agriculture, classification of soil organisms; soil organic matter decomposition; microbial transformation of phosphorus, iron, nitrogen and  sulphur; biochemistry and microbiology of nitrification; nitrogen fixation by legumes and non-legumes and its significance. Microbial release of nutrients in soils and plant nutrition. Influence of soil factors on population and activities of microbes; role of micro-organisms in soil fertility. Transformation of hydrocarbons and pesticides. Rhizosphere and its importance. Practical: Use of microscopes; Cultivation of micro-organisms, preparation of culture media, isolation of bacteria and fungi; Preparation of slides for microscopic examination and identification; safety precautions in microbiology laboratory.

FSN 202.1 Food and Nutrition           (2 Units)

Food sources, nutrient content, utility availability, production, storage and preservation etc. of the following: Cereals, legumes, starchy roots and tubers.   Fruits and vegetables. Oil seeds and nuts. Meat and products.  Fish and other products, poultry, eggs and other such snails, edible insects. Basic definitions of nutrition and dietetics.  Relationship between nutrition and other Sciences such as biochemistry, food science, Home Economic, Physiology and anatomy.  malnutrition and its various types, causes and prevention.   Identification of vulnerable groups such as pregnant and lactating mothers, children under five years, elderly etc.  nutritional needs in disease conditions.  HIV/AIDS and Nutrition.

AGR 201.1 General Agriculture (2 Units)

Definition, scope and importance of agriculture; Agricultural ecological zones and distribution of farm; Introduction to Agricultural Economics and Extension; Introduction to Farm Forestry; Introduction to Crop Science; Introduction to Soil Science; Introduction to Farm Mechanization; Introduction to Animal Science; Introduction to Fisheries and Aquaculture; Post-harvest handling of agricultural products.

FWL 201.1 Introduction to Forestry and Wildlife Management (2 Units)

Nature and scope of forestry and forest. Structure, classification and importance of forest. Forest products; fauna and flora. Introduction to wildlife, importance of wildlife, forestry and wildlife interlinks.

AGR 202.1 Introduction to Farm Power and Machinery     (2 Units)

Aims and objectives of farm mechanization. Basic mechanics. Workshop tools. Principles of internal combustion engines and electric motor. Study of farm machinery used for tillage; ploughs, harrows, cultivators, farm power transmission system. Harvesting and processing equipment. (sprayers and dusters). Equipment for livestock (automatic feed conveyors, automatic drinkers for poultry, feeding and watering equipment, milking and milk handling equipment, meat processing equipment). Water lifting and irrigation equipment. Survey instruments used on the farm. Operating principles, selection and maintenance procedure of farm machinery. Farm machinery costing and records. Workshop and building materials used on the farm. Practical: day-to-day operations of machines and implements; visits to farm machinery suppliers such as Dizengoff, SCOA, etc.


AGR 206.2Principles of Food Science and Technology (2 Units)

Definition and scope of Food Science and Technology, food distribution and marketing, food and its functions, food habits; food poisoning and its prevention, principles of food processing and preservation, discussion of different preservation methods, deterioration and spoilage of foods, other postharvest changes in food, contamination of foods and natural sources, composition and structures of Nigerian/West African Food, factors contributing to texture, colour, aroma and flavour of food, cost, traditional and ethnic influences of food preparation and consumption pattern, Elementary Biotechnology Practical.

FSH 201.2 Introduction to Fisheries (2 Units)

Introduction, definitions, nature and scope of fisheries; Fish products and their importance. External morphological features of bony and cartilaginous fishes.

ANS 202.2: Principles of Animal Production (2 Units)

Animal production and its development. The livestock industry – problems and prospects. Introduction to the factors of production in animal husbandry. Descriptions of different breeds of cattle, sheep and goats; pigs, poultry and rabbits, etc. Feeding habits of farm animals. Principles of breeding and livestock judging. General principles of management for different classes of farm animals (parent stock, breeders, weaners, etc.). Livestock husbandry operation and production systems for different livestock – cattle, sheep and goats, poultry, swine, and rabbit. The impacts of the environment on livestock production.

CPS 202.2 Principles of Crop Production (2 Units)

Crop production and its development. The principles, problems and prospects of crop production, importance of crop rotation, cultural practices; water uptake, weeds, weed control, and their effects on crop production, pests and diseases.   Basic Mendelian genetics. Principles of crop production, harvesting, processing and storage. Practical: test of seed viability, germination of seeds in laboratory and in field; tillage practices; identification of fertilizers; field trip to different cropping systems.

AGR 207.2 Introduction to Home Economics           (2 Units)

Philosophy, scope, objectives and historical development of home economics (Food and Nutrition, Home management, Clothing and Textile); Examination of basic human needs with respect to food, clothing, shelter and health. Programme approaches in home economics which help to meet these needs. Preparation for careers in a variety of occupation. Roles of women in agriculture. Practical: Flour confectioneries; industrial catering

FSN 203.2 Principles of Nutrition      (2 Units)

Basic nutrition principles with special emphasis on nutrients; digestion and absorption and their problems. Control of appetite. Nutritive value of tropical foods and Nigeria diets; effect on season and cultural habits. Selection and formulation of balanced diets. Foetus as a parasite. Non-conventional foods. Food enrichment and supplementation in general.

AGF 201.2 Farm Practice (2 units)

FisheriesAnimal ScienceCrop & Soil ScienceForestry & WildlifeFood Nutrition & Home Science
Fish culture Hatchery production Fish feed productionLivestock production Silage makingMushroom production Composting Budding/ Grafting Soil surveyBee keeping Snail production Game management and utilization Forest nursery/ arboretumFood processing Food production Food demonstration  

FSN 204.2 Basic Human Anatomy and Physiology   (2 Units)

Cell and its functions. An introduction to basic anatomy, physiology in various systems. Nerves and muscles as agents of communication in the body. Kidney as osmo-regulator of the body. Blood and immunity, protective mechanisms of the body. Circulatory, respiratory, endocrine and digestive systems of the body. Special sense organs. Body homeostasis. Philosophy of growth, pregnancy and lactation.

HEM 201.2Family Life Education and Family Planning (2 Units)

Theories, concepts and principles of family communication, interaction, processes of decision making, conflict resolution, integration and networking systems in the family and community. Inter-relationship of these to the wider society. Emphasis on the function of the family as vital unit of the effective socialization and upbringing of responsible and productive members of society, principles of responsible sex behaviour, parenthood and family and civic responsibilities; family polices. Principles and concepts of family planning birth control and population education; modern and traditional techniques of birth control, suitability, effectiveness and acceptability in various cultures; family planning resources and availability.


AGR 302.1 Agricultural Research and Report Writing (2 Unit)

Purpose and type of research; research proposal; problem identification and hypothesis formulation; methods of primary and secondary data collection; data organization and presentation; scientific writing; formats for project and thesis presentation. Review of basic statistics: frequency distribution, measures of location and dispersion; Principles of field experimentation.

FSN 301.1Food Chemistry 1(2 Units)

Naturally occurring constituents of foods. Their structure, chemical and physical properties and significance. Chemical, physical and biochemical changes that occur in foods during handling, processing and storage. Chemistry of food components: proteins, amino acids, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, oil, fats, pigments/colouring food flavours and water. Properties of water in food systems.

FSN 302.1 Food Product Development and Marketing (2 Units)

A study of the sequence of events involved in the development and marketing of new food products, especially on the physio-chemical principles of food fabrication and the economics of new product development. Nutritional considerations in selected fabricated foods, branding and packaging of food products including beverages.

FSN 303.1 Fundamentals of Food Processing (2 Units)

The chemical, physical and microbiological basis of food deterioration and spoilage. Broad overview of techniques of food processing and preservation: chemical preservatives, drying, high and low temperature processing including canning and freeze-drying, fermentation, and irradiation. Food waste and management fundamentals of food packaging, fundamentals of extrusion technology.

FSN 304.1 Basic Foods and Diet (2 Units)

Chemistry, Sources and functions of energy yielding nutrients. Energy value of nutrients in food, physiological fuel value, factors that determine total value of energy and nutrient. Nutritional requirements, Application of nutrition principles to the needs of children and other vulnerable groups such as the aged and adolescents. Nutrition and dietetics as field of study and as profession. Historical background of development of nutrition and dietetics as science. Academic requirements and career opportunities in nutrition and dietetics. Major concepts in nutrition and dietetics. Challenges of nutrition and dietetics in national development studies and jurisprudence.

FSN 305.1 Community Nutrition (2 Units)

Assessment of nutritional status of individuals and groups in a community using established anthropometric standards, clinical signs, vital statistics, food consumption and laboratory methods. Use of growth and development chart, economic aspects of nutrition, food budgets, food habits, surveys in rural and urban communities. Assessment of ecological factors. Applied nutrition programmes. Supplementary and group feeding; school lunch programmes. Nutrition procedure in times of disaster including famine relief operations nutrition rehabilitation centres. Population and food supply. Nutrition and national harmony.

FSN 306.1 Food Microbiology I        (2 Units)

The micro-flora of foods; role, significance. Growth and survival of micro-organisms in foods. Micro-organisms as sources of nutrients, Thermo and cryobacteriology; factors influencing heat resistance of micro-organisms. Microbiological examination of water and foods. Food sanitary quality, (microbiological standards and criteria). Microbiology of dairy products, meat, fish/sea foods, eggs, fruits/ vegetables, canned.

FSN 307.1     Food Analysis I                         (2 Units)

Physical and Chemical analysis of Water and other major Food Components such as moisture, fat, protein, carbohydrates and other macro-nutrients. Application of spectrophotometry in the determination of micro constituents, use of dye binding complex metric and radiometric technique in food analysis and other techniques in food analysis.

FSN 308.1 Public Health Nutrition    (2 Units)

Nutritional problems of Nigeria public importance. Socio-economic effect of nutritional problems within low income people. Effect of malnutrition on physical and mental development. Steps to improve health and nutritional status of people. Food sanitation and safety. Environmental and nutrition. Development of primary health care and nutrition of Nigeria. Improving social and economic services at all levels with special interest on the vulnerable groups.


AGR 303.2 Agricultural Biochemistry                      (2 Units)

Biochemistry in agriculture, food and nutrition; Proteins, vitamins, minerals in farm produce- eggs, meat, vegetable, etc. food processing and natural products; Metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins and lipids (metabolic pathways).

FSN 309.2 Food Product Development                      (2 Units)

A study of the sequence of events involved in the development and marketing of new food products, especially on the physicochemical principle of food fabrication and the economics of new product development, nutritional considerations in selected fabricated foods.

FSN 310.2Sensory Evaluation (2 Units)

The senses – odour, texture, vision, hearing rating scales, ranking, hedonic scale sampling method, instrumentation. Relationship between sensory evaluation in physical and chemical measurement. Principles of subjective evaluation, method of measurement. Psychology of food preference.

FSN 311.2 Post-Harvest Physiology and Storage Technology (2 Units)

Post-harvest physiology of horticultural commodities. Control of post-harvest losses. Refrigeration and cooling systems. Handling and storage of cereal grains and legumes. Measurement of temperature, relative humidity, moisture in stored foods Building and other structures for food storage.

FSN 312.2 Principles of Food Preservation (2 Units)

Preservation by use of low temperature – temperature and life activities, causes of spoilage and their dependence on temperature. Typical cooling equipment, estimation of refrigerating chamber. Cold storage of fruits and vegetables. Effect of the rate of freezing on product quality (freezer burn), effect of freezing on components of food methods of freezing preservation, the use of food additives, factor influencing their use, legal and technological justifications. Microorganism inhibiting chemicals-antibiotics, fungicides, antioxidants etc.

FSN 313.2 Food Plant Management / Process Design (2 Units)

Food plant site selection criteria (infrastructures, markets, raw materials, etc.) plant layout (efficiency, space economy, etc.) design of food engineering equipment, components and system (heat exchangers, fermenters, dryers, in packaging, etc.). Wasteless food plant design techniques, Ergonomics, Environment, Health and Safety considerations (waste disposal, noise, sanitation, etc.). Economics and optimization of food plants. Business and technical management concepts associated with food plants. Efficient concepts. Industrial economic, financial and cost accounting.

FSN 314.2Food Microbiology II        (2 Units)

Contamination of food from plants, soil, air, water, sewage, animal, handling and processing. Food spoilage-microorganisms responsible: type of spoilage. Effects of heat, desiccation, chemicals, radiation on micro-organisms. Food hygiene. Hygienic design of food processing plants. Public health and sanitation. Microbial hazards in foods. Food poisoning (infection and intoxication) and its control. Other biological hazards in foods.

GES 300.2 Fundamental of Entrepreneurship (2 Units)

Concept, history and development of entrepreneurship; the entrepreneur qualities and characteristics; The entrepreneur and business environment; identifying business opportunities; starting and developing new business ventures; legal forms of business ownership and registration; Types of business ownership; Feasibility studies; Role of small and medium scale Enterprise (SME) in the economy; Role of government on Entrepreneurship; Business location and layout; Accounting for SME; Financing SME; Managing SME; Marketing in SME; Risk Management of SME; success and failure of SME; Prospects and challenges of Entrepreneurship and Intrapreneurship; Ethical behaviour in small business.

FSN 315.2Clinical Nutrition (2 Units)

Malnutrition as a health problem. Classification of nutritional diseases. Disease of over-nutrition, diseases due to biological and chemical toxicants in foods, diet and dental diseases. Diet and cancer. Nutritional basis of diseases – renal, liver G-I diabetes, hypertension etc. Nutritional application to management of diseases. Nutritional problems of public health importance. Causes of nutritional problems. Prevention of nutritional problems. In born errors of metabolism, metabolic diseases and allergies, nutrition and immunity.

AGF 301.2 Field Course (1 Unit)

Study visit to areas, institutions, industries, etc., relevant to students’ area of specialization. Students are required to write a report on the trip.


AGR 400        SIWES                                     (30 Units)

GES 400        Entrepreneurship Project        (2 Units)


FSN 501.1 Research Technique in Food and Nutrition Science (2 Units)

The thrust of this course is on theory and statistical principles of research techniques in human nutrition. Planning of research and investigation methods. Data collection organization and presentation of investigation methods. Data collection organization and presentation of data in acceptable form. Techniques used in Nutrition research involving laboratory animals and man, PER, NPU, BV, NDPE etc. use of experimental diets and analytical techniques. Interpretation of results, co-relationships, levels of significance, regression analysis, standard error and deviations, sample distribution, use of percentiles and percentages in growth standard.

FSN 502.1 Food Chemistry II (2 Units)

Food additives: Emulsions, Emulsifiers, stabilizers and emulsification, classification and role of food additives. Effect of processing on food components. Food flavours. Enzymic and non-enzymic browning and their application in flavour development. Methods of controlling browning reactioning. Colloidal properties, emulsion and emulsifiers. The pigments, chlorophyll, carotenoids, falconoid-their chemistry, reactions involved in food processing, storage and handling colour flavour and texture vitamins and enzymes. Pectic substances and use in food industry.

FSN 503.1Fermentation and Brewing Science (2 Units)

Uses of yeast to produce alcoholic beverage, organism employed, raw materials, yield calculation, mechanism of alcohol synthesis. Commercial production of beverage and non-beverage alcohol, technology of the unit operation. Biochemistry of fermentation process, yoghurt, cheese, pickles, vinegar, wine, spirits.

FSN504.1        Fruits and Vegetable Processing (2 Units)

Preservation of fruits and vegetables, Harvest and pre-processing operations. Use of chemicals to control enzymatic and non-enzymatic changes in processed fruits and vegetables, processing of Jam, Jellies, tomato ketchup, tomato puree, dried vegetable etc.

FSN505.1 Milk and Dairy Processing            (2 Units)

Composition, nutritive value and properties of milk. Factors affecting the composition, of nutritive value and properties of milk. Microbiology of milk and milk products. Quality tests. Technology of milk products; condensed and evaporated milk, cream, ice-cream, butter, cheese, cultured milk, dehydrated milk, filled milk, skin milk and milk by-products. Plant sanitation; dairy waste management and processing.

FSN 506.1 Food Packaging (2 Units)

Characteristics of various packaging materials for food industries. Functions of packaging. Plastic and other materials and methods of production; heat seals and effect of pressure, temperature and time. Testing for structural quality and performance of packaging materials, packaging requirements for fresh and processed foods for local and foreign markets.

FSN 507.1 Food Standard and Quality Control (3 Units)

Definition, scope and significance of food quality and quality control. Quality parameters, Quality assurance and specifications, food standards, food laws, good manufacturing practice (GMP), food legislation and the Codex Alimentarius. Food standards: – International food standard: Nigerian Industrial Standards (NIS). Enforcement of food standards. Principles and methods of food quality control. Quality control charts. Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points System (HACCPS). Plant sanitation as a quality control tool, Sensory and instrumental evaluation of quality parameters. Statistical handling of data: fortification and enrichment. Nutritional. Labelling instruments of quality control.

FSN 508.1 Food Analysis II   (2 Units)

Statistical Methods: Experimental design, sampling and sampling errors, sampling methods, presentation and treatment of analytical data. Sample preparation and storage. Principles of food analysis. Instrumental methods of food analysis, colorimetry, spectrophotometry, polarimetry, biosensing, refractometry, gravimetry, chromatography and electrophoresis. Methods ofevaluating moisture, ash, lipids, carbohydrates, amino acids and proteins, vitamins. Food colours, additives, trace metals, and contaminants in foods. Preparation of food for trace elements analysis using dry ashing and wet oxidation. Significance of ash fractions e.g. acid, alkali water soluble and insoluble ash, sulphated ash etc.

FSN 509.1 Food Preparation             (2 Units)

The application of principles of nutrition and management to planning and preparation of meals for special groups, and occasions; developmental research and controlled experiments with food; developing food demonstration techniques; quality characteristics of some important traditional Nigerian food ingredients; strategies for improving nutrient value and utilization of the traditional and non- traditional meals. 


FSN 500.2 Seminar (2 Units)

Under the supervision of a staff, students, carryout simple research work in a selected problem area of interest, write and present a report in a prescribed format. This is reviewed and assessed by internal examiners in the department based on the write-up and presentation by the student.

FSN 510.2 Cereal Technology (2 Units)

Structure, composition and nutritional significance of Cereals and Pulses. Post-harvest losses, causes and controls. Storage characteristics and methods. Fumigation, drying and aeration. Milling of cereals and pulses. Production of cereal and legume flours; protein-rich special flours; composite flours. Functional properties of flours in relation to end uses. Baking of bread, biscuits and other baked products. Extruded, fried, popped and puffed products. Baking with composite flours and non-wheat flours e.g. Cassava flour. Breakfast cereals production.

FSN 511.2 Meat and Fish Processing Technology (2 Units)

Meat and Meat Products: Definition of Meat, Meat food product and meat by products. Abattoir design and operation. Factors affecting postmortem change and ultimate properties of meat: Rigor mortis, aging, tenderization., Meat quality, Meat microbiology; meat food-borne diseases. Meat curing, manufacture of sausages and other cured products. Smoking, refrigeration, freezing; dehydration, irradiation, fermentation and canning. Intermediate moisture meat and use of chemical additives. Meat by products. Methods of meat storage. Composition of fish: Quality evaluation. Indices of freshness. Fish spoilage. Handling, processing and preservation- Refrigeration and Freezing drying, salting, smoking, – Pickling, and fermentation. Fish products – sausage, sauce. Fish protein concentrate, fish meal, fish oil, canned fish etc.

FSN 512.2 Processing of Miscellaneous Food Commodities (2 Units)

Processing of cocoa, tea, coffee, sugar, confectionary, soft drinks, extraction and refining of vegetable oils. Technology of oil extraction – mechanical expression, solvent extraction. Refining of oils and fats: Degumming, bleaching, deodorization, Hydrogenation, and esterificaton. Stability of oils and fats. Utilization of oils and fats. Products: shortenings, margarine, salad oils, coating fats.

FSN 513.2 Poultry and Egg Processing Technology (2 Units)

Processing and marketing of poultry. Future potential of poultry technology. Quality identification, poultry inspection and quality maintenance. Chemical and nutritive characteristics. Measuring yield and characteristics. Microbiology of poultry meat. Processing, packaging, refrigerated storage of poultry. Poultry processing and preservation. Dehydration. Curing and smoking etc. inedible by-products. Physical, chemical, nutritional and functional characteristics of egg. Quality identification and preservation of shell eggs. Microbiology of eggs. Chemistry of Egg products (processing eggs). Uses of eggs for non-human foods. Egg Industry

FSN 514.2Human Nutrition and Toxicology (2 Units)

State of nutrition in Nigeria. Protein–energy malnutrition. Selected mineral and vitamin deficiencies, etiology and control. Nutrition and infection. Food balance sheets, food composition tables and recommended dietary allowance. National problems of affluence.

FSN 599.2 Research Project (6 Units)

Under the supervision of a staff, students, carryout a detailed empirical research work in a selected problem area of interest, write and present a report in a prescribed format. This is reviewed and assessed by internal and external examiners based on the report and defence by the student.

FSN 515.1 Consumer Education (2 Units)

Definition and principles of Consumer Education; and analysis of economic forces affecting individuals and families as consumers of goods and services; creating awareness of the rights and responsibilities of consumers in the market place; developing aids and techniques for making intelligent choices of foods and services; political, social, economic and legal implication of consumer decisions and actions.

FSN 516.1 Nutrition Education (2 Units)

Formal and non-formal aspects of nutrition education. Nutrition education by whom to whom, and for what. Methods of nutrition education, improving socio- cultural aspects of foods including food habits, food taboos, and food choice. Activity oriented programmes adopted in fostering nutrition education and nutritional status of people. Content of nutrition in the dissemination of nutrition education at household, village and institutional levels. Factors influencing teaching and learning. Uses and problems visual aids in nutrition education by various groups. Behaviour and attitude of nutrition education.

FSN 517.2 Diet Therapy and Hospital Practice (2 Units)

Introduction to dietary management in disease states, consideration for factors in patients care plan, coordinated nutritional services for patients, therapeutic adaptation of the normal diet and problems of planning therapeutic diets using local foods. Principles or nutritional modification for the underweight, protein energy malnutrition, nutritional care plan and dietary treatment, nutrient need in surgery – postoperative nutritional care following gastrointestinal tract surgery; study of the diet for the vulnerable group, diarrhoea in infants; oral re-hydration therapy.

AGE 508.2 Agri-Business Management and Finance (2 Units) Farm structure, size and performance of business organizations in the agricultural sector. Public policies affecting growth of agribusiness farms in Nigeria; organization and management of such large-scale farms; legal organization and tax strategies. Economics of agricultural processing, principles of agricultural finance and farm credit. Capital needs of agricultural industries. Sources of loan, government credit policies and approaches to efficient credit management.




AGR 302.1Agricultural Research and  Report Writing2GES 300.2Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship2
HEM 301.1Food Preparation II2HEM 309.2Food Service Systems and Administration2
HEM 302.1Clothing Construction2AGF 301.2Field Course1
HEM 303.1Home Furnishing &Management2HEM 310.2Pattern Design and Alteration2
HEM 304.1Introduction to Hotel management and Tourism2HEM 311.2Home Furnishing and Management2
HEM 305.1Personal, Family and Community Health2FSN 315.2Clinical Nutrition2
HEM 306.1Introduction to Textile and Clothing2HEM 312.2Hotel and Catering Regulations2
HEM 307.1Home Technology2HEM 313.2Pregnancy and Child Development2
HEM 308.1Institutional Equipment and Management I2AGR 303.2Agricultural Biochemistry2
TOTAL 18  17

Total units 35


HEM   400.0Report Writing4
HEM   401.0Interior Design and Decoration3
HEM   402.0Catering2
HEM   403.0Clothing Construction2
HEM   404.0Pattern Design and Alteration3
HEM   405.0Home Management2
FSN    406.0Nutrition Planning and Allergy2
GES     400.0Entrepreneurship project2
HEM   407.0Home Equipment Maintenance2
HEM   408.0Food and Beverage Service3
HEM   409.0Home Sanitation2
HEM   410.0Hotel and catering regulations2
HEM   411.0Accommodation Planning & Operation3
TOTAL 32 Units


HEM 501.1Extension Programmes in Home Economics2HEM 500.2Seminar1
FSN 507.1Food Standards and Quality Control3HEM 508.2Interior Decoration and Design2
HEM 502.1Research Techniques in Home Science2HEM 509.2Nutritional Biochemistry2
HEM 503.1Advanced Clothing Construction2HEM 510.2Catering II2
HEM 504.1Marriage and the Family2HEM 511.2Hospitality Facility Planning and Design2
HEM 505.1Catering I2HEM 512.2Food Preservation and Processing2
HEM 506.1Introduction to Child development and training2HEM 599.2Research Project6
HEM 507.1Institutional Equipment and Management II2   
TOTAL 17  17

Total units = 34


HEM    512.1Resource Management2
AGX    504.1Rural Youth and Women Extension Programme2
AGE    509.2Agricultural Project Management2
AGE    508.2Agri-Business Management and Finance2



AGR 302.1: Agricultural Research and Report Writing (2 Units)

Purpose and type of research; research proposal; problem identification and hypothesis formulation; methods of primary and secondary data collection; data organization and presentation; scientific writing; formats for project and thesis presentation. Review of basic statistics: frequency distribution, measures of location and dispersion; Principles of field experimentation.

HEM 301.1Food Preparation II        (2 Units)

Principles of cookery, scientific principles of handling and cooking of food. Measuring techniques. Leavening agents, flour mixtures, modern and traditional equipment procedures in relation to food expenditures. Preparation and uses of soups, sauces, gravies, salads, snacks, breakfast dishes, sweets.

HEM 302.1 Clothing Construction    (3 Units)

Fitting techniques and construction methods as applied to sewing, woven and knitted fabrics. Wardrobe planning; fabric selection and construction of garments for personal and family use.

HEM 303.1 Home Furnishing and Management (2 Units)

Study of the historical development of furniture; functions, selection and use of furnishings; practical interior furnishing techniques: decoration, refurnishing and restoration of furniture and soft furnishings, construction of window treatment and practical application in analysis and evaluation in terms of money and time management; work simplification at different family life-cycle stages and socio-economic levels.

HEM 304.1 Introduction to Hotel Management and Tourism                                                                                             (2 Units)

Hotel accounting and bookkeeping; accounting concept, nature and purpose of bookkeeping; nature and challenges of personnel management; personnel qualities; Accommodation management and types; Restaurant organization and presentations; Housekeeping organization; Reception management, Departmental interrelationship; Definition, purpose and importance of catering hygiene and safety; Hotel laws; Legislation relating to Nigeria law on hygiene, health, safety and welfare of staff and guests. Factors and events in the development of tourism. Significance of tourism, structure and organization; Growth and demand for tourism in Nigeria; Laws that govern tourism. Travelling. Procedure for booking and ticketing routing, scheduled individual and group travel; linking carriers; provision of information services and owning a travel agency.

HEM 305.1Personal, Family and Community Health           (2 Units)

Concept of health-recognizing and coping with problems. Level of prevention. Environmental sanitation. Diseases spread by water, food and air. Common health problems in Nigerian communities. Diseases that can be prevented by immunization. Governmental and voluntary agencies efforts in solving health problems. Accidents in and outside the home. Family adjustments to health curses and community organization in health.

HEM 306.1 Introduction to Textile and Clothing (2 Units)

Physical and chemical characteristics of various types of fibres (natural and synthetic); fabrics and finishes in use, selection, uses and care for home use and for apparel. Study of clothing needs based on physical, aesthetic, economics, cultural and social psychological factors; basic clothing construction methods, equipment, measurement.

HEM 307.1 Home Technology (2 Units)

Introduction to design features and practical applications of food services and other home equipments, e.g. ovens, fryers, steamers and pressure cookers, refrigerators / freezers, food mixers, dish washers etc. Operation and maintenance of home equipment and other electrical equipment.

HEM 308.1 Institutional Equipments and Management I (2 Units)

Definition, Designs and Classification of Institutional Equipment; requirement and specification for installation and operating large equipment; methods of evaluating equipment performance; use and routine care of equipment and special maintenance practices of equipment and environment.


GES 300.2 Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship (2 Units)

Concept, history and development of entrepreneurship; the entrepreneur qualities and characteristics; The entrepreneur and business environment; identifying business opportunities; starting and developing new business ventures; legal forms of business ownership and registration; Types of business ownership; Feasibility studies; Role of small and medium scale Enterprise (SME) in the economy; Role of government on Entrepreneurship; Business location and layout; Accounting for SME; Financing SME; Managing SME; Marketing in SME; Risk Management of SME; success and failure of SME; Prospects and challenges of Entrepreneurship and Intrapreneurship; Ethical behaviour in small business.

HEM 309.2Food Service Systems and Administration (3 Units)

Technical operations and management of food services; primary functions, menu planning and evaluation forecasting, food and labour cost control, schools catering establishment (small and large) and hospitals food distribution systems, quality food production principles, budgeting, purchasing, convenience and sanitation supervision and management of personnel.

AGF 301.2 Field Course (1 Unit)

Study visit to areas, institutions, industries, etc. relevant to students’ area of specialization. Students are required to write a report on the trip.

HEM 310.2Pattern Design and Alteration    (3 Units)

Principles of design by drafting in muslin and fabric, advanced principle of pattern drafting development and alterations. Advanced fitting techniques.

HEM 311.2Home Furnishing and Management (3 Units)

Study of historical development of furniture; functions selection and use of furnishings, practical interior furnishing techniques. Decoration, refurnishing and restoration of furniture and soft furnishing. Construction of window treatment and practical application in analysis and evaluation of terms of money and time management. Work simplification at different family life cycle stages and socio-economic levels.

FSN 315.2Clinical Nutrition (2 Units)

Malnutrition as a health problem. Classification of nutritional diseases. Decision of over-nutrition, diseases due to biological and chemical toxicants in foods. diet and dental diseases. Diet and cancer. Nutritional basis of diseases – renal, liver G-I diabetes, hypertension etc. Nutritional application to management of diseases. Nutritional problems of public health importance. Causes of nutritional problems. Prevention of nutritional problems. Inborn errors of metabolism, metabolic diseases and allergies, nutrition and immunity.

HEM 312.2 Hotel and Catering Regulations (2 Units)

Basic concepts of law – common, civil, criminal cases. Introduction to company law, partnership law, sole trading. Introduction to employment law, employers’ liability, common law provisions. Relevant provision of ECOWAS, Contractional basis of employment, the contract and its incidence at common law and by statute, Remunerations – salary controls and negotiation, the payment of salaries Health, safety and welfare, conditions and at work.

HEM 313.2 Pregnancy and Child Development        (2 Units)

Basic theories of development from infancy through adulthood. Awareness and understanding of the physical, social, emotional and intellectual aspects of human growth and development in infancy: childhood and adolescence, mechanism of menstruation, ovulation, process of fertilization, pregnancy testing, problems of pregnancy, human reproduction and conception. Introductory studies of children and their caretakers in the family, and settings outside the home (day care centres and nursery schools).

AGR 303.2 Agricultural Biochemistry (2 Units)

Biochemistry in agriculture, food and nutrition; Proteins, vitamins, minerals in farm produce- eggs, meat, vegetable, etc. food processing and natural products; Metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins and lipids (metabolic pathways).


AGR    400      SIWES                                                30

GES     400      Entrepreneurship Project                  2


HEM 501.1 Extension Programmes in Home Economics (2 Units)

Concepts, theories, principles and guidelines of Administration, organization, supervision as applied to extension. Administrative function and responsibility in agricultural extension; staff recruitment, selection, placement and supervision, budget development and fiscal control; importance of programme planning in extension; principles and concepts of programme planning in agricultural extension need, educative objective, learning experience, clientele participation, plan or work, and calendar of work: the role of good public relations, good leadership and cooperation for an extension worker; associations and cooperatives. Concepts of evaluation applied to agricultural extension programme.

FSN 507.1Food Standards and Quality Control       (3 Units)  

Definition, scope and significance of food quality and quality control. Quality parameters, quality assurance and specifications, food standards, food laws, Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) good legislation and the codex alimentaries. Food standards: International food standard Nigerian Industrial Standard (NIS). Enforcement of food standard principles and methods of food quality control. Quality control charts. Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points System (HACCPS), plant sanitation as a quality control tool. Sensory and instrumental evaluation of quality parameters. Statistical handling of data: Fortification and enrichment, nutritional labelling instruments of quality control.

HEM 502.1Research Technique in Home Science (2 Units)

The thrust of this course is on theory and statistical principles of research techniques in human nutrition. Planning of research and investigation methods. Data collection organization and presentation of investigation methods. Data collection organization and presentation of data in acceptable form. Techniques used in Nutrition research involving laboratory animals and man, PER, NPU, BV, NDPE etc. use of experimental diets and analytical techniques. Interpretation of results, co-relationships, levels of significance, regression analysis, standard error and deviations, sample distribution, use of percentiles and percentages in growth standard.

HEM 503.1Advanced Clothing Construction (3 Units)

Theories and application of advanced techniques in garment construction using diverse fabrics; construction of contour garment; principles of construction of men’s wear, female wears and children wears.

HEM 504 .1Marriage and Family     (2 Units)                      

Processes of mate selection; preparation for marriage; adjustment and interaction in marriage; Laws and customs affecting marriage in different cultures with special emphasis on Nigeria; Marriage and Family Institution; Responsibilities in varying family systems and meeting challenges/crisis in family relationships caused by social change.

HEM 505.1Catering I(3 Units)

Hardwork garnishing, cooking, stuffing of fish, meat and poultry. Use of potatoes and vegetables, cake making, preparation of eggs, grain dishes, pastries, puddings, sandwiches, beverages, savouries and non-alcoholic drinks.

HEM 506.1 Introduction to Child development and Training                                                                                              (2 Units)

Principles, objectives and types of child care programmes; decisions or establishment of programme(s), getting prepared and organized, understanding children and their special needs. Keeping children safe, providing nutritious food, discipline and guidance, recognizing and handling child abuse and neglect, working with parents. Basic theories of development from infancy through adulthood. Awareness and understanding of the physical, social, emotional, and intellectual aspects of human growth and development in infancy; Childhood and Adolescence, early and late adulthood; influence of the family, home and community environment on personality development in a changing society; problems of pregnancy, human reproduction and conception; introductory studies of children and their caretakers in the family, and settings outside the home (day care centres and nursery schools).

HEM 507.1 Institutional Equipment and Management II(2 Units)

Organizational structures in food service institutions and hospitals. Effective staffing, staff recruitment, discipline and management. Staff welfare and work- output. Sanitation and safety. Planning institutional catering for all age groups. Menu planning, budgeting, book-keeping. Nutritional consideration of institutional meals.


HEM   500.2   Seminar in Home Science (1 Unit)

Under the supervision of staff, students carry out simple research work in a selected problem area of interest, write and present reports in a prescribed format. This is reviewed and assessed by internal and external examiners.

HEM   508.2Interior Decoration and Design (3 Units)

Application of design principles to interior decoration and management of living space. Analysis, organization and development of multi-functional spaces within the living environment. Exploration of interior living environment. Contemporary and traditional residential areas in an ecological, behavioural and cultural context.

HEM 509.2 Nutritional Biochemistry            (2 Units)

Chemistry of cell constituents and their function. Structure and function of enzymes and hormones. Biosynthesis and functions of nucleic acid. Metabolism of nutrients under different physiological condition. Effects of diet on biochemical processes. Nutrient interrelationships in metabolism. Environmental factors that alter nutrient requirements. Regulatory mechanism of various nutrients. Biological oxidation.  Mitochondrial and electron transport systems.  Protein and nucleic acid synthesis. Inborn errors of metabolism.

HEM510.2 Catering II (2 Units)

Recipe development and testing; principles of food quality evaluation and development of standard taste; flavour; principles of recipe formulation and presentation; acceptability, trials, selection of participants; analysis of results; planning and preparation of special groups and occasions. Developmental research and controlled experiments with food.

HEM 511.2 Hospitality Facility Planning and Design (2 Units)

Design and maintenance of buildings, furniture foetives and equipment in hospitality industry. Factors affecting selection and location of food service, laundry, water and surface parking systems.  Inputs needed for operational efficiency, cost control through extending equipment and building life and reducing utility expenses.  Innovative and environmentally friendly options for solid waste reduction and disposal. Using modern technology to streamline operational procedures, Renovation.

HEM 512.2     Food Preservation and Processing (2 Units)

Preliminary operations in food processing – raw material transportation and storage. Cleaning, sorting and grading. Conversion operations. Size reduction mixing and emulsification. Filtration and expression. Centrifugation, crystallization, heat transfer and generation. Canning – unit operations, micro-organisms important in canning and factors influencing their heat resistance. Retort operations. Methods of calculating process time. Evaporation – use, influence of feed liquor, equipment and heat conservation in evaporators. Drying and dehydration methods, principles, equipment and calculating volumes of air required in drying. Biological preservation of food – with examples. Theory and methods of pickling. Irradiation – uses, mode and effects on micro-organisms. Fats, proteins etc. spoilage of processed foods.

HEM   599.2   Research Project (6 Units)

Under the supervision of staff, student carry out a detailed empirical research work in a selected problem area of interest, write and present reports in a prescribed format. This is reviewed and assessed by internal and external examiners based on the report and defence by the student.

HEM 513.2 Resource Management (2 Units)

Application of Management principles in using resources – work capacity, work methods, work spaces, time and financial management. Identifying and analyzing problems of resource management at individual, family, community and national levels. Social, political and economic policies affecting resource management.

AGX 504.1 Rural Youth and Women Extension Programme (2 units)

Philosophy of rural youth work; types of rural youth clubs; basic factors in organizing rural youth programme. Development of extension programme for youth clubs. Organization for administration and supervision; leadership training in rural youth organization, training professional youth workers; evaluating rural youth programme. Philosophy and principles of home economics extension in Nigeria; Scope of home economics; role of rural women in Nigerian agriculture and economic development; factors in home economics programmes, planning and evaluation; priority determination; coordinating home economics with other agencies and organizations for rural development. Practical; Field study and trips 

AGE 508.2 Agri-Business Management and Finance (2 Units)

Farm structure, size and performance of business organizations in the agricultural sector. Public policies affecting growth of agribusiness farms in Nigeria; organization and management of such large-scale farms; legal organization and tax strategies. Economics of agricultural processing, principles of agricultural finance and farm credit. Capital needs of agricultural industries. Sources of loan, government credit policies and approaches to efficient credit management. 

AGE 509.2 Agricultural Project Management and Evaluation                                                                    (2 Units)

Nature of agricultural projects in agricultural development. Principles of development (project cycle). Agricultural schemes, e.g. River Basins, Plantations, Large scale farms. Techniques of project management in agriculture; Cost-Benefit analysis; rate of returns calculations; cash flow procedures; farm and other resource valuation


The Institute of Agricultural Research and Development (IARD) of the University of Port Harcourt was one of the academic units approved by the National Universities Commission (NUC) for the University at its inception in 1975. However, the IARD was formally established in 1982; seven years after the NUC approval. Its mandate is to tackle the problems of agriculture and rural development of the Niger Delta of Nigeria, so as to develop the agricultural potentials of the region. The overall research goal of the Institute is to mitigate the challenges of agriculture as they affect peasant and small-scale farmers in the region.

Generally, the Institute possesses research competence in Fish farming, Rice cultivation, Propagation of traditional food crops, Vegetables and local spices, Farming systems, Agroforestry, non-timber products and wildlife interventions, Poultry and livestock production, Exploitation of underutilized animal and plant species; Agricultural pests and diseases control, Food processing and preservation, Extension and outreach programmes, and Environmental management. Thus, the IARD is the strategic agricultural research arm of the Faculty of Agriculture and, indeed, the University of Port Harcourt with its staff also serving as lecturers in the four departments (Agricultural Economics and Extension; Animal Science and Fisheries; Crop and Soil Science; Forestry and Wildlife Management) and other departments in the University.

The Institute is charged with the mandate, “Tackle the problems of agriculture and rural development of the Niger Delta of Nigeria, so as to develop the agricultural potentials of the region.” It is designed to function in collaboration with other national, regional and international agricultural research and training institutes / centres / academies as well as other agricultural associations and professional bodies to conduct research and offer training in agriculture, fisheries and forestry. The target audience are: young school leavers, smallholder farmers, rural and urban farmers, youths, women, retired civil and public servants, workers from government and nongovernmental agencies, and others who may have a desire to update their knowledge in agricultural business. Upon completion, candidates shall be issued the University of Port Harcourt certificate in any of the options below. The University is a member of the African Network for Agriculture, Agroforestry and Natural Resources Education, ANAFE, Nairobi, Kenya.

Available Training Options

  1. Short Courses

These are practical-oriented courses designed to meet the immediate needs of clients already in the business or prospective ones.

  1. Agripreneurship and Agribusiness Management
  2. Agritrade and Farm Produce Marketing
  3. Social Capital and Networking for Agricultural Development
  4. Feed Formulation and Composition
  5. Profitable Poultry Production and Management
  6. Smallholder Goat Farming for Urban Markets
  7. Fish Handling and Processing Technology
  8. Principles of Pond Fertilization and Maintenance
  9. Small and Medium Size Fish Farming for Livelihood
  10. Farm Tractor Operation and Maintenance
  11. Improved Weed Management for Sustainable Crop Production
  12. Integrated Crop Pests and Diseases Management
  13. Bee Keeping and Apiary Management
  14. Planning a Small-scale Plant Nursery
  15. Snail Farming for Export
  16. Post-Harvest Technology and Food Storage
  17. Processing and Packaging Farm Produce
  18. Strategies for Mitigating Greenhouse Gas Emission with Changing Climate

These are targeted agricultural trainings suitable for candidates with relevant or related practical experience and wishing to become more efficient on their current or future jobs.

  1. Agricultural Communication Skills, Conflict Management and Resolution
  2. Co-operative Management
  3. Agricultural Laws and Policies for Agribusiness
  4. Farm Animal Husbandry
  5. Principles of Animal Health, Diseases and Hygiene
  6. Mini-Livestock Production for Landless Farmers
  7. Fish Handling and Processing Technology
  8. Principles of Pond Fertilization and Maintenance
  9. Small and Medium Size Fish Farming for Livelihood
  10. Farm Mechanization and Agricultural Safety
  11. Principles and Practices of Farm Irrigation
  12. Mushroom Production and Management
  13. Agricultural Farm Produce Management
  14. Forestry and Environmental Management
  15. Plantation Establishment and Maintenance
  16. Urban Tree Management Practice and Landscaping
  17. Organic Farming for Sustainable Agriculture
  18. Responsive Agriculture and Climate Change

The certificate programmes are intended for candidates with little or no experience but, desirous to increase their knowledge to enhance their agri-entreprenuership skills or plan to pursue a degree programme in fisheries, forestry, agriculture and agri-preneurship. Upon successful completion of the one-year certificate programme with an average score of 60% and above, the candidate may seek to be admitted into the corresponding degree programme offered by the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Port Harcourt. Such a candidate intending to pursue a degree programme is also expected to possess the relevant five O’Levels subjects and must have sat for the UTME and obtained the minimum score stipulated for the prevailing academic session.

  1. Agricultural Economics and Food Marketing
  2. Agricultural Extension and Rural Sociology
  3. Animal Production and Management
  4. Fish Farming and Fisheries Technology
  5. Food and Cash Crop Production
  6. Soil Resource Management
  7. Forest Resource Management
  8. Ecotourism and Wildlife Management
  9. Food Processing and Post-Harvest Technology

Admission Requirements

  1. Short Courses
  2. Possess relevant or related practical experience.

Duration of Programme

E-mail: iard@uniport.edu.ng